Georgi Ivanov has been professionally engaged in communication and marketing for over 20 years. He worked in 2 of the world's largest chains of communication agencies BBDO and Publicis/ Saatchi& Saatchi. He participated in the creation and communication and creative concepts of many local and international brands such as Zagorka, Technomarket, Volvo, Tefal, Pampers, Bulstrad Life, Bayer, BNP Paribas, as well as non-governmental organizations, and, of course, socially engaged campaigns aimed at improving the environment in which we live.
What is a creative concept and when is it needed?
When a new product or service appears on the market, a good marketing plan is necessary for its successful introduction. The other important thing is to have a communication concept of how to present/position to the respective user. Of course, the more interesting and memorable it is, the greater the product's chances of first purchase. We have come to call this very communication concept "creative". Why? Because we always try to make it new, unexpected, and, of course, to get people talking about it.
I can give examples with the statements of such concepts for some global brands - Just do it/ Nike, Keep walking/ Johnny Walker, Addidas - Impossible is nothing. And not to be just a dry theoretician - here are the verbal statements of some of the creative concepts of Ideas Lab - for BNP Paribas Personal Finance products - "Loans with zero risk!", "Yes to your plans!", "Because we believe in you". For the T MARKET chain - "The practical choice" and "Approved by mom!". About Brunata - You save more with us! and many others.
Of course, the statement is only a small part of the creative concept, whose main function is to tell an interesting and true story, either about the given product/service or about the consumer, as in the case of "Approved by Mom!".
A team of people with what knowledge is needed to offer such a product?
In the best case, there is a need for people with strategic thinking, good knowledge of the product, its competitors, and targets, as well as of course good designers and copywriters to build an interesting concept together. Of course, it is also important that they are brave so that they can go out of the standard framework.
How much creative concept development is theory and what is imagination?
Here I will use a great definition of creativity by Albert Einstein:
Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.
That's why preparation or research on the topic is very important for a good creative concept, but after that comes the turn of imagination.
What is the biggest challenge you have faced so far?
This is a very interesting question because the challenges in our work are every day. But I can definitely say that the most difficult thing is to think of new and new creative concepts for the same product or service, such as consumer credit. However, even the best concept or idea wears out after a while and at the very least requires a new interpretation of the message.
What happens when there is a creative crisis in the "laboratory of ideas"?
This is a question you should ask our Art Director, Spasimir, who, along with his many duties, also has the task of constantly motivating the team, provoking them to go beyond what they have achieved, even with the slightest beginnings of a creative crisis.
In Bulgaria, to what extent is a "creative concept" recognizable and accepted as a service?
I would say that the big clients and international brands represented in Bulgaria are very aware and constantlywork with their agencies to create interesting concepts. But small and start-up businesses, given the need for very quick positioning and lack of budget for "inventing a concept", often send too simple messages that lose density and content within a few months, and have to constantly think new and new until feel what would touch their users. And this often turns out to be more expensive than stepping on a solid foundation at the start. I give an example with Just do it - a concept that has not lost its power for more than 30 years.
And finally - Can everyone be a creator?
Yes, absolutely. Of course, the greatest creators are children, because they do not know that something cannot be done. Coming up with ideas is a lot like going to the gym, the more you practice the better you get.
📰 Georgi Ivanov's personal blog:
🌎 Ideas Lab's Website:
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